Lookout Rooftop & Bar at The Envoy Hotel

Envoy Rooftop ViewLookout RooftopSipsSpecialty CocktailsSangria and Shoes

In case you missed my announcement on Instagram, Lookout Rooftop and Bar at Lookout Rooftop & Bar at The Envoy Hotel is now officially open for the season!

Myself, and some other local bloggers were invited to check it out a little early. The view is breathtaking and the drinks delicious! If you’re close enough and looking for something to do the weekend, there’s really no better way to kick off the season, than with sips at Boston’s #1 rooftop hotspot.

You don’t have to wait for the weekend to enjoy the view, South Hollow Spirit’s new gin launch party is happening there tonight! Tickets are available for tonight’s event here.


Barreless Barre at Crane & Lion

Joining the Boston Bloggers Facebook group has led to some pretty great opportunities for me. One such opportunity was getting to attend a Barreless Barre class at Crane & Lion.

Downstairs Entry Display

Hosted by Jenna of Boston Chic Party and Jessica Diaz, the class itself really worked your core. I didn’t realize just how much until the next day. My abs were sore, but in a good way.

I’ve taken a Barre class before, but didn’t think you could get such a great workout without even using a barre!

Barre in Boston

Barreless Barre Class

After class there was wine, noms and a Crane & Lion sample sale. Everything was up to 60% off!

Crane & Lion

I spotted the cutest ever jacket, and I just may have to go back for it. Sale or no sale.

Crane & Lion Jacket

I ended up not actually buying anything, which was sad because their clothes are athleisure, but casual in a way that I could see myself wearing them even on days where the gym is the furthest thing from my mind.

Thankfully, Crane & Lion sent us home with one of their tanks. I’ve already worn mine once, and it was to workout in! Can you believe it?
